Darryl & Wendy's Peruvian Adventures


Quick & Dirty:

(all pictures, no comments or editing)

Part 1: Volunteering

Part 2: Wendy's Tour

Part 3: Wendy & Darryl

Note: To save space & download time, I've posted smaller versions of all pictures. If you want a larger version, email me the picture number(s).

Wendy's Solo Adventure

Day 1: Lima

Day 2-7: Volunteer in Cachiccata

Day 8: Cusco

Day 9-11: Inka trail

Day 12: Machu Picchu

Day 13: Cusco

Day 14-15: Puerto Maldonado (jungle)

Day 16: Cusco

Day 17: Bus To Puno

Day 18-19: Lake titicaca

Day 20: Puno & Lima

Day 21: Spa Day in Lima

Darryl & Wendy Together

Day 1: Lima tour

Day 2: Ica (Sandboarding)

Day 3: Nasca Lines

Day 4: Ballestas Islands in Paracas

Day 5: Paracas &Lunahuaná

Day 6: Biking & Rafting

Day 7: Shopping in Lima


(Coming Soon)


Trip Planning & Links

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